WP5 AAI workshop


During this workshop Andrea Ceccanti from INFN (ESCAPE WP2) will give an introduction on how AAI is implemented in ESCAPE WP2. A similar talk has been given before, you can find the slides from his previous talk on this subject here.


After the introduction, we will look at some use cases, including the AAI integration with ESCAPE IAM ( the identity provider) into

1. ESAP (the ESFRI science analysis platform we are developing),

2. JupyterHub instances,

3. Rucio.

Connection detail:

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Topic: WP5 AAI workshop
Start Time : Jan 19, 2021 12:52

Meeting Recording day 1 (Access Passcode: qS3&uy5v)
Meeting Recording day 2 (Access Passcode: ?=wF@wm0)


    • 1
      Integrating services with the ESCAPE AAI

      Introduction to integration patterns with the ESCAPE AAI:
      - OIDC/OAuth recap
      - OAuth/OIDC Authorization flows (aka grant types): which one should I use for my application?
      - What's the difference between a client and a protected resource? Which type of client should I use for my application?
      - Registering a client in IAM
      - Anatomy of an IAM token
      - Offline access: i.e., getting long running applications tokens when they need them
      - Apache integration example
      - CLI integration example
      - X.509 Authentication support in IAM
      - Q & A

      Orateur: Andrea Ceccanti (INFN)
    • 14:15
      Coffee break
    • 2
      Integrating JupyterHub with the ESCAPE IAM
      Orateur: Rohini Joshi
    • 3
      RUCIO integration with the ESCAPE AAI

      Covers OIDC support in RUCIO

      Orateur: Rizart Dona (CERN)
    • 4
      Q & A
    • 5
      The ESAP integration with the ESCAPE AAI
      Orateurs: Yan Grange (ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy), Zheng Meyer-Zhao (ASTRON)
    • 6
      Coffee Break
    • 7