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Involved parties: WP3 focus group 1&2, WP5 IDA working group
Proposed actions
Establish notebook project in OSSR environment
develop metadata storage & content via issues of project
Involved parties: WP3: FG 1&2, WP5: IDA WG, HPC/HTC WG, Dirac WG
proposed actions
Template metadata file in OSSR – template project (see codemeta.json and zenodo.json)
iterate requirements between WP3 and WP5 in issues to the project
Involved parties: WP3 FG 1&2, WP5 IDA, HPC/HTC, and DIRAC WG
proposed actions
Collect examples for containers and workflows for integration in each group
involved parties: WP3 FG 1 (from software onboarding)
proposed actions
coordinate use case collection in ESCAPE technical coordination
Create proposal for common format of use case collection (template)
iterate template with concerned groups
define common place for storage & how to contribute
Involved parties: WP3 FG 1&2 – collect input from ESFRIs
Proposed actions
proposal for initial categorization created in the related WP3 groups based on current feedback
Gather feedback from ESFRIs in technical coordination meeting which projects are shared
sharing of proposal and discussion
Involved parties: WP3 focus group 3 (Innovation), experiments with complex workflows
proposed actions
contribute to use cases
Evaluate requirements for integration in the respective groups