Sep 20 – 25, 2020
webcast and IP2I
Europe/Paris timezone

The LIO international conference on composite connection of Higgs, Dark Matter and neutrinos aims at discussing the new results and explore new and emerging models of physics beyond the standard model in the composite sector. The phenomenology of these models and their implications for Higgs physics, Dark matter and neutrino physics will be discussed in detail.

The conference will be both a webcast event and a local event at IP2I. It is aimed at discussing and starting new collaborations and projects, so ample time will be left for discussion and collaborative work.

How to reach Lyon: if you fly in the Lyon Exupery airport, you can easily reach Lyon by taking the express tram Rhonexpress to the central Lyon Part-Dieu train station.

How to reach the IP2I : take the tram T1 direction IUT Feyssine or T4 direction La Doua Gaston Berger and get off at the stop Universite Lyon 1. From there you can walk to the IP2I: follow the tram track and turn on the first road on the left. The IP2I is down the road (click on the link below to see a map). Address: 4 rue Fermi, Villeurbanne

View Map IP2I



Invited key speakers include:

Sasha Belyaev

Gabriele Ferretti

Mads Frandsen

Michele Frigerio

Florian Goertz

Jong-Wan Lee

Seung J. Lee

David Lin

Seongchan Park

Werner Porod

Michele Redi

Francesco Sannino

Jing Shu


Benjamin Svetitsky

Hong Hao Zhang







webcast and IP2I
web/Amphi Dirac
4 rue Fermi, 69622 Villeurbanne

This conference is locally organized by Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis de Lyon (IP2I), and is funded in part by the LABEX "Lyon Institute of Origins" (LIO), Université Lyon 1 and Faculté des Sciences.

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Registration for this event is currently open.