14–15 oct. 2020
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Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Towards the gravitational wave phase of compact binaries with 4PN precision

15 oct. 2020, 14:45
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François Larrouturou (IAP)


The precise knowledge of the gravitational phase of compact binaries is crucial to the detection methods for gravitational waves. To this days, we know it analytically (for non-spinning systems) up to the 3.5 post-Newtonian (PN) order, ie. up to the (v/c)^7 correction beyond the leading order. If this precision is sufficient for the data analysis of the current generation of detectors, the next one (notably LISA) will require at least a 4.5PN accuracy.

An essential ingredient to compute the gravitational wave phase is the mass quadrupole moment, that we are currently computing for compact binaries at 4PN order, using a post-Newtonian-multipolar-post-Minkowskian matching algorithm. This method involves challenging technical issues, due to the appearance of non-physical divergences, that have to be properly regularized, as well as non-linear interaction terms (dubbed "tails"). In this talk, I will present the current status of the computation, and review the steps that are left in order to fully derive the gravitational phase at 4PN order.

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Auteurs principaux

Dr Tanguy Marchand Quentin Henry (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris) François Larrouturou (IAP) Sylvain MARSAT ({CNRS}UMR7164) Luc Blanchet (C.N.R.S.) Guillaume Faye (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)

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