Présidents de session
Stellar binaries: Stellar binaries
- Sylvain Chaty (Université de Paris, CEA)
Is there one or many formation channels to BH-BH mergers detected by LIGO/Virgo? Have we learned anything about stellar evolution from binary BH detections? Do we really need LIGO/Virgo anymore, or the job is done? ...
Nowdays we are able to resolve more and more compact binary merger events as our detector sensitivities improve. However the detected sources are loud and close events, suggesting a large number of non-resolved binary mergers participating to a background. I will present this background computed from the StarTrack population synthesis in a large frequency range (1$\mu$Hz - 2kHz). For the first...
Gravitational waves (GWs) from compact binary coalesce are cosmological standard sirens and provided with an electromagnetic (EM) counterpart can be used to probe cosmology. Unfortunately, with the rapid increase of GW detector sensitivity, it will be less and less likely that GW sources are accompagnied by an EM counterpart. Furthermore, the completeness of galaxy catalogs rapidily decreases...