Elisa Guido
(University and INFN Genova)
10/03/2010 08:50
We present some recent results obtained by the \babar\ experiment on the search for new physics in leptonic and lepton flavor violating (LVF) decays, exploiting the complete datasets collected at the $\Upsilon(4S)$, $\Upsilon(3S)$ and $\Upsilon(2S)$ energies.
We present new limits on the ratio $\Gamma(\Upsilon(1S)\to\tau^+\tau^-)/\Gamma(\Upsilon(1S)\to\mu^+\mu^-)$, on LFV decays of the...
Christopher Smith
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
10/03/2010 09:30
With about 10^13 charged kaon decays, the NA62 experiment at CERN will open a new frontier. In this talk, its physics reach will be briefly reviewed, as well as its relevance in the LHC era. We will start with the main goal of NA62, the rare decay K+ ---> pi+ nu anti-nu, and show how essential it is to investigate the flavor structures of any New Physics theory found at the LHC. Then, the...
Elisabetta Baracchini
(University of California Irvine)
10/03/2010 09:50
We are going to present the first results from the MEG experiment for the search of the Lepton Flavour Violating decay mu+ -> e+ gamma. LFV decays are forbidden in the SM and highly suppressed in any minimal SM extension with tiny neutrino masses. On the other hand, several SUSY, GUT and ED models beyond the SM predict the mu+ -> e+ gamma rate at a level experimentally accessible. Hence, the...
Miha Nemevsek
(University of Hamburg)
10/03/2010 10:25
We study a CP and T violating triple (spin) correlation in the muon to electron conversion in nuclei in the context of the seesaw mechanism. After concluding that the results are negative for all three seesaw types, we turn to the left-right symmetric theories as the original source of seesaw. We find that in general this correlation is of order one which offers a hope of observing CP...
(LAL, Orsay, FRANCE)
10/03/2010 10:45
Recently, important updates were made for the hadronic contribution to the theoretical prediction of g-2. The isospin-breaking-corrections, needed in the comparison of the two pion spectral functions from tau decays and e+e- annihilations, were improved using new experimental and theoretical input. The recently published BABAR data were included in the global average of e+e- spectral...
(Institut fuer Theoretische Teilchenphysik - Karlsruhe)
10/03/2010 11:05
The Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model is a well motivated singlet extension of the MSSM, liable, e.g., to solve the "mu-problem". A remarkable feature of this NMSSM lies in the possibility of very light CP-odd Higgs states (below the B-Bbar threshold). While most of the aspects of the phenomenology of the NMSSM at low energy remain similar to the effects expected in the MSSM, such...