Présidents de session
Hands-On: Bring your own container - open interactive session
- Kay Graf (ECAP - University of Erlangen)
Hands-On: Plenary
- Kay Graf (ECAP - University of Erlangen)
Fabian Schussler
08/03/2021 15:00
Astro-COLIBRI: The coincidence library for real-time inquiry for multi-messenger astrophysics
Flares of known astronomical sources and new transient phenomena occur on different timescales, from sub-seconds to several days or weeks. The discovery potential of both serendipitous observations and multi-messenger and multi-wavelength follow-up observations could be maximized with a tool which...
Alberto Iess
(INFN Roma Tor Vergata),
Filippo Quarenghi
09/03/2021 15:00