8–12 mars 2021
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Online location & sessions

Sessions and duration

The workshop will be held in morning or afternoon sessions (CET), where morning sessions focus mainly on presentations and talks while afternoon sessions are reserved for hands-on tutorials, interactive sessions and discussion rounds.

Videoroom and platforms

Zoom room

For all common sessions including discussion sessions, a zoom room will be used:

https://fau.zoom.us/j/92555464859?pwd=RHlHUERjeVRRMWJHVnJoSk1BZ0VHUT09 (IWAPP workshop)

You can use your browser to access, or use the zoom client. For further info on zoom, visit the zoom help center.

Virtual platform gather.town

For informal gatherings in between sessions and for the open sessions, the virtual meeting platform Gather will be used. Test and join the virtual conference location following


There is a desktop client available for mac and windows (beta, but might be useful as the platform is heavy load for some browsers). For more support, see the documentation.

Video recordings

Recordings of the plenary sessions will be made available at the IWAPP youtube channel.


The workshop should be use-case driven and encourage the sharing of concepts and development of common approaches in data exploration and analysis. Therefore we invite contributions in various forms. You can still register a contribution in an open session

  • as hands-on on Monday afternoon to introduce participants to your workflow in a smaller group

  • or as a booth in the open market, which have a specialized space for individual meetings on Wednesday afternoon.

You are very warmly invited to contribute to the open sessions, which can be as informal as sharing a website link to your project in a booth. To register your contribution to an open session, please fill the form under "add open session contribution". For an example on how this information will be displayed, visit gather.town.

You can also upload files you like to share to the drop box.