Jul 5 – 17, 2009
Sophia Antipolis
Europe/Paris timezone
The International Summer School on Grid Computing (ISSGC'09) will be held in Sophia Antipolis, near Nice in the South of France, on July 5-17, 2009. Application to the school is open until May 4. This is a rare opportunity to hear about the latest achievements from Europe, North America and Asia, as well as to gain experience of a variety of Grid systems. The School will boost students' capabilities for research and innovation thanks to lectures, discussions, laboratory sessions, tutorials and group work. These activities will be delivered by leading authorities in the fields of advanced grid technology, applications of e-Science and distributed systems research. For more information and application, please browse the school web site: http://www.issgc.org <http://www.issgc.org/>.
Sophia Antipolis
The School will provide an in-depth introduction to Grid technologies that underpin e-Infrastructure and Cyberinfrastructure. It will present a conceptual framework to enhance each student’s ability to work in this rapidly advancing field. Reports from world leaders in deploying and exploiting Grids will complement lectures from research leaders shaping future e-Infrastructure. Hands-on laboratory exercises will give participants experience with widely used Grid middleware. Graduates of the School will: • be familiar with the fundamental components of Grid environments, such as authentication, authorisation, resource discovery, and resource access • be able to use Grid environments for basic and advanced job submission and distributed data management • be conversant with Grid achievements worldwide • be alert to emerging Grid applications • appreciate the potential of e-Infrastructure and be aware of new research opportunities The programme includes the use of at least six grid and web service technologies. This allows students to make comparisons and see different approaches to common challenges in distributed computing. The school will conclude with an integrating practical that will enable students, working in teams, to bring together all they have learnt via an extended exercise that simulates collaborative research using e-Infrastructures. Detailed program available from the web site: http://www.iceage-eu.org/issgc09/programme.cfm School leaflet: http://www.iceage-eu.org/issgc09/files/leaflet.pdf