30 juin 2020 à 3 juillet 2020
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
Le thême 'nicecompact' n'existe pas.

Diamond is a material with exceptional properties.

Nowadays, diamond applications are more and more considered in fields as different as power electronics (wide-bandgap semiconductor for high  power/high voltage electronics applications) or particle detectors. For the latter, a major challenge is the realization of outperforming radiation detectors for high-energy physics, nuclear physics, medical and environmental applications. In particular, the radiation tolerance of diamond makes this material suitable for robust radiation detectors in harsh environment.

The present workshop aims at initiating a collaboration between laboratories in order to exchange skills and experience, and promote the development of innovative diamond detectors. Various topics will be discussed: growth, characterization, readout electronics and experimental tests of multipurpose prototypes.

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Organizing committee
Marie - Laure Gallin-Martel LPSC Grenoble
Julien Pernot Institut Néel Grenoble
Satoshi Koizumi NIMS Tsukuba