15 novembre 2019
LAPTh Annecy
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

CHIME and beyond

15 nov. 2019, 11:30
Salle des Sommets (LAPTh Annecy)

Salle des Sommets

LAPTh Annecy

9, chemin de Bellevue 74940 ANNECY


Ue-Li Pen


CHIME is a new generation of fast radio survey telescope. Using FFT and Tree algorithms, CHIME maps the sky every day at high time and spectral resolution. Science pipelines include 21cm Intensity Mapping, 21 absorber search, FRB search, pulsar search and monitoring. The outrigger initiative will result in milli arc second localizations. I will highlight some of the initial results, future expectations, and a vision for the next generation.

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