WP2 fortnightly meeting


ESCAPE WP2 Fortnightly 20th June 2019


Present: Andrea, Aris, Diego, Fabio, Stephane, Frederic, Martin, Nadine, Tigran, Ron, Yan, Rosie, Simone, Xavi


News (Simone):

  • Time and Date of the WP2 fortnightly: 
    • We need to review time and day of the week in September once the hiring is done and accommodate the date/time with everyone.
  • Social media:
  • Data Management Plans: 
    • EU requires a data management plan from the projects, rather different from what we are doing at the technical level. The focus is on the data itself and what we will do with the data and what will happen to the data once the project finish. We need to fill a form to assess this.
    • Presentations and documents presented at the meetings will be in Indico page, and this will be under ESCAPE project. This is not scientific data. This will be preserved under the framework of Indico.
    • Scientific data is what we need to discuss, the datalake prototype will hold real scientific data: real or simulated from the several sciences. Need to agree this data is for the purpose of the prototype and need to agree that this data disappear from the prototype once the project is over and not persist potential big volumes of data in the prototype.
    • Derived data (users and derived analysis) need to know the results will also be removed and hence they need to know the space will not be preserved after the project.
    • Main reason behind is that there will be no funding to preserve a datalake operation after the ESCAPE project. ESCAPE project is an R+D.
    • It has been agreed that the formulaire will be filled by Simone along the lines described above.
    • Q(Rosie) What about the software written for ESCAPE? A(Simone) WP3 is expected to provide a repository for software and need to understand how we should use it and for what. Majority of the software we will be using is already on software repositories (ie. Rucio is on github). 
      • Action for Simone to understand this and potential licensing issues.


Preparation of the WP2/WP5 F2F (Simone) 

  • https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/19214
  • On Monday afternoon the main focus will be on items that hasn’t been covered in our fortnightly meetings yet: Networking and Information Systems. 
    • Any other ideas for Monday afternoon?
      • Rosie propose to discuss a project plan to prepare the meeting with WP5 Monday afternoon, prepare a skeleton of the project and the implementation plan that can be complemented on Wednesday as a wrap-up of the workshop.
  • On Tuesday agenda is split in two different parts:
    • a) General aspects of WP2/WP5:
      • Virtual Observatory discussion (this is under WP4) on how this VO interfaces with datalake (WP2) and the analysis platform (WP5)
      • Event Driven Processing
      • Data Management: in a recent WP5 meeting DESY people presented a mechanism present in dCache to have event based processing. This is of global interest also from WLCG perspective this is also interesting to react quick in case of events (data loss, incidents, etc.)
      • AAI: need to have a coherent discussion to understand AAI globally from data point of view, users, access, etc. Need to know what the experiments expect from ESCAPE AAI infrastructure. 
        • Action on Zheng and Yan to prepare some slides to trigger the discussion.
      • WP2/WP5 interfaces: what we do need and how we will expose them to the users. We expect this discussion will be driven by WP5, need to know what they need rather than we offer.
    • b) Use cases of the sciences:
      • Digest the material presented at the meetings and present one of the use cases for every science focused on what ESCAPE should support. This will give us several different scenarios and understand better the prototype concept and deployment.
      • To trigger the preparation of this we have prepared a document with some questions focused on this direction. 
      • We do expect the different sciences to fill and think about a representative use case and present it at the workshop.
      • Presentation time will be 30 minutes for each project, but presentation time will be limited to 15 minutes to have time for discussion.
      • Some projects/sciences does not have active participation in our WP2 and the meetings and hence we do need to keep the contact with them:  HL-LHC (Simone), SKA and LOFAR (Rosie), CTA (Nadine), KM3Net (Yan to find a representative), LSST (Fabio/Gita), FAIR (Simone to contact Kilian), EGO (Yan/Simone to find a representative), ASTRON/Jive, ESO will be invited to know and we learn whether they have a use case for ESCAPE.
  • On Wednesday will be dedicated to wrap-up and prepare the plan for our deliverables and documents. Need to understand how to proceed in how to provide the prototype. Aris to present some slides on the first steps towards a datalake ongoing work with Rucio.


  • Next steps:
    • The milestone of the workshop is the workshop itself. Need to write a document with a summary of the workshop. Need to be ready by end of July.
    • First deliverable is by 1st of October: document about the Strategy and Implementation plan (~20 pages), task leaders need to meet early September to bootstrap this.
    • Notes should be taken during the workshop by different people, this will be the first input for the documents.  
  • WP2 F2F Amsterdam workshop logistics (Ron): 
      • Dinner together on Monday evening, this is included in the fee.
      • Lunch are included on Mon, Tue and Wed
      • Is there a need for remote attendance? Nice if this is ready although the purpose of this meeting is having it F2F, Simone will circulate an email about this proposing NOT to have remote connection.
Il y a un compte-rendu associé à cet événement. Les afficher.
    • 1

      Data Management Plans
      LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/data-infrastructure-analysis-platform-defining-architecture-escape-eu/?published=t
      Time and Date of the WP2 fortnightly

      Orateur: Simone Campana (CERN)
    • 2
      Preparation of the WP2/WP5 F2F


    • 3
      Round Table