Some Applications of Novel Polycarbonate/ACF Radon Detectors for Personal and Environmental Monitoring

29 juin 2022, 10:15
Amphi Grünewald, Bat. 25 IPHC

Amphi Grünewald, Bat. 25 IPHC


Prof. Mehdi Sohrabi (Faculty of Energy Engineering and Physics Amirkabir University of Technology)


Polycarbonate track detector (PCTD) have found wide applications in particular when used in radon monitoring cups [1-3]. In order to overcome some deficiencies such as long-term exposures required, recently Tommasino and coworkers [4] introduced a novel Activated Carbon Fabric (ACF)/CR-39 detector in which the ACF adsorbs radon on its active sites and exposes the CR-39; when CR-39 is chemically etched leads to an ACF/CR-39 response significantly enhanced[4]. Using the ACF combined with PCTD, Sohrabi and Ebrahiminezhad have recently introduced electrochemically-etched (ECE) PCTD/ACF multi-function radon individual and environmental monitors[5-7]. A comparative PCTD/ACF and PCTD/bare method was applied which also introduced an amplification factor (AF) which can be correlated to radon/progeny equilibrium factor, yet to be further studied and calibrated. The PCTD/ACF registers alpha particles from radon adsorbed on its carbon active sites at a higher rate than that of PCTD/bare which registers alphas from radon and progeny. The ratio of PCTD/ACF tracks to that of PCTD/bare leads to a track density ratio or amplification factor (AF) ≥ 1[5-7]. In this line of development, the methods have been successfully studied for individual and environmental radon monitoring in air as well as radon and radium-226 monitoring in water. In particular, a novel mega-size radon monitoring method using a mega-size radon PCTD detector (33 x 75 cm2) [8], processed in a mega-size single-cell ECE image processing system[9], for large area radon monitoring. Another novel development is Long Strip Polycarbonate Radon Monitor with or without ACF methodology processed in a novel Long ECE Image Processing Chamber developed in this research for continuous monitoring of radon; e.g. over a long wall. In this paper, the highlights of such developments are presented and discussed.

References :
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Auteur principal

Prof. Mehdi Sohrabi (Faculty of Energy Engineering and Physics Amirkabir University of Technology)

Documents de présentation