LISA is presently undergoing many technical studies to assess its feasibility (Phase A), at ESA, but also in the different countries contributing to the instrument. In France, the foreseen contributions are on the Data Processing Center, the integration and tests (AIVT) of the Instrument and the maintenance of the scientific performance model.In this presentation, I’ll briefly summarise the...
The astrophysical parameters estimation of the sources detected by Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo is biased by the uncertainty on the physical parameters of each detector of the network and thus the final uncertainty on the reconstruction of the gravitational waves signal h(t). Before the observing run O3, Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo had different absolute references for their...
In order to increase the science reach of GW detectors, it is fundamental to reduce the quantum noise, composed of radiation pressure noise (RPN) at low frequencies (roughly < 100 Hz) and shot noise (SN) at high frequencies (roughly >100 Hz). Since the quantum noise is generated by vacuum fluctuations entering the interferometer, the injection of phase-squeezed vacuum states reduces the SN...
Le bruit quantique limite une part de plus en plus importante de la sensibilité de Virgo. L'injection d'états comprimés du vide, ou squeezing, par le port de détection permet de réduire le bruit quantique sans engendrer de changement drastique sur la configuration du détecteur.
Cela nécessite néanmoins de limiter les pertes optiques et le bruit de phase qui réduisent fortement le degré de...
Advanced Virgo+ (AdV+) will see the improvement of several aspects of the Advanced Virgo (AdV) detector. In this talk we will give an overview of the efforts on-going for the optical design of the detector. In particular, we will describe the activity related to the increase of the beam size on the test masses, in order to reduce the coating Brownian noise.