Jul 23 – 25, 2018
Laboratoire de Physique de Clermont-Ferrand, Université Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand
Europe/Paris timezone

Information pratiques

Here you can find practical informations on how to reach the workshop site and hotels.

The workshop is held in the Research Amphitheater at the Laboratoire de Physique de Clermont-Ferrand (LPC) on the university Clermont-Auvergne (UCA ) site "Campus des Cézeaux" 4 Avenue Blaise Pascal, Aubière. 

The Research Amphitheater is located in the Physics department close to the LPC. Sign will be displaced on the campus. 

The site is easily reachable by car or public transportation with the Tram stop "Cézeaux Pellez", see the webpage of the local public transportation T2C: http://www.t2c.fr. The tram may be unavailable during the workshop, it will then be replaced by a bus line "A", almost following the tram line. If you stay at Comfort hotel, the tram station is almost situating in front of the hotel entrance "Saint Jacques Loucheur". 

Rooms have been pre-book until 09/07 at Comfort Hotel:


at the special price of 66Euros including breakfast with the booking code "hard-soft correlations".  Room have only been pre-booked, you need to contact directly the hotel to book your room.

The Social Dinner will take place at the restaurant Odevie in the city center of Clermont-Ferrand : http://www.restaurantodevie.com at 8PM. The cost of the menu will be 15 euros at participant charge, the GDR offering half of the menu.

Seing you soon in Clermont-Ferrand