9–11 juil. 2018
FIAP Jean Monnet Paris
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

The organizing committee welcomes all scientists working around nuclear fuel cycle simulation to share their works and would like to focus this year’s meeting on the following topics:

  • Reactor models
  • Fuel cycle simulators and data treatment
  • Uncertainty management in fuel cycle simulations
  • Economy and interdisciplinary applications
  • Scenario studies and non-proliferation
  • Panel discussion with decision makers

Dynamic fuel cycle simulation tool are used around the world for many different applications, future fuel cycle option assessment, economic and sociology studies, non-proliferation, .... Over the past year different tools have been developed by the different communities, using different philosophies, different objects and different capabilities.

This third dynamic nuclear fuel cycle workshop aims to connect those research efforts and to facilitate the development of international collaborations.

The focus of this workshop is to provide the opportunity to scientist to present and exchange about their work with nuclear fuel cycle experts, to build collaborations and projects at national and international levels.

This 2018 workshop is co-organized by CNRS/IN2P3, IRSN and CEA.

This international workshop is also conceived as an opportunity for enhancing discussions between representatives of different social worlds involved in construction, evaluation or use of fuel cycle scenarios. Besides technical aspects, fuel cycle simulations have important, yet often implicit, political and social dimensions.

The key moment of this third international workshop will be a panel discussion between key figures in the nuclear field from politics, industry and research around the following question: (Re)thinking the future of nuclear energy - How to design and use energy scenarios to better inform policy decisions? This special session will take place on Tuesday 10th July 2018 and be chaired by two social scientists.

We are glad to announce that the participants will have the opportunity to hear from Christian Bataille (French Deputy), Peter Lyons (Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy at the DOE) and Jacques Repussard (Former Director General of french TSO - IRSN).

In order to make the session highly participative, participants are invited to submit questions to panelist via this following link Email For Questions.


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FIAP Jean Monnet Paris
30 Rue Cabanis, 75014 Paris