We are looking forward to welcoming you in Marseille from December 13 to 15 for the meeting of the IRN Terascale. Your contribution to the program is welcome.
Please contact the coordinators of the corresponding session if you would like to give a talk:
Higgs: Christophe Ochando, Pietro Slavich
BSM: Eric Chabert , Marie-Helene Genest, Stephane Lavignac, Ana Teixeira
Dark Universe: Emmanuel Moulin, Marco Cirelli
Tools: Benjamin Fuks and Nikola Makovec
You can find their e-mail addresses on the Web-page of the GDR Terascale http://terascale.in2p3.fr/ .
On Friday afternoon we will have a kick-off meeting for a new GPS (Groupe Priorité Scientifique) on dark matter, coordinated by Andreas Goudelis, Kalliopi Petraki, tbn and tbn, together with the dark universe convenors Marco Cirelli and Emmanuel Moulin.
The GDR will offer the lunches on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday as well as the dinner on Thursday evening. Please contact the organizers if you have any question.
Local Organizing Committee:
Steve Muanza (CPPM) Aoife Bharucha (CPT)
Angélique Pèpe (CPPM)