Cosmological Magnetic Fields -- Chiara Caprini -- CEA
Salle Grossetete (LPNHE)
Salle Grossetete
Tour 43 - Rez-de-Chaussee
4 Place Jussieu
75005 Paris
Large scale magnetic fields are ubiquitous in the
universe. Observations of galaxies and clusters, even at high
redshift, show that they are present in these astrophysical objects
with relatively high amplitude, and correlated on the same scale of
the object itself. However, the origin of these magnetic fields is
still unknown: understanding when and how they formed, and how they
evolved after formation is one of the problem of modern
cosmology. This seminar presents a review of the subject, focussing in
particular on the possibility that the observed magnetic fields are
primordial, i.e. created well before the formation of the structures
in which they are observed. I will discuss how the presence of
primordial magnetic fields can affect the evolution of the universe,
and consequently how one can constrain their amplitude and possibly
detect their presence.