11–22 juil. 2017
CPPM, Marseille
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

针对两个无穷的物理研究 : 硕士法国暑期学校

This "France Excellence" Summer School Programme is at the initiative of the French Embassy in China:

In its 2017 edition, it includes 14 Summer Schools offered throughout France in the fields of: Chemistry; Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics; Humanities and Social Sciences. The Summer School on the Physics of the Two Infinities that we organize is one of them.

The Summer School will take place at two sites: first in Strasbourg at l’IPHC, research unit of Université de Strasbourg (Unistra) and CNRS, then in Marseille at CPPM research unit of Aix Marseille Université (AMU) and CNRS/IN2P3.

Man has always sought to answer the most fundamental questions related to our understanding of the universe. If the limits of this understanding have been pushed back thanks to major advances in recent decades in the fields of physics of the infinitely small and the infinitely large which are intimately linked, we still have to answer many questions about : its origins, the elements that constitute it, the fundamental laws that govern it, its evolution.

The theme of the school is physics of the two infinites and covers: particle physics, hadronic physics (quark-gluon plasma), nuclear physics, astroparticle (high-energy astrophysics) and cosmology.

These research fields will be addressed through: presentations of our current understanding, questions and scientific issues, presentations of some current major experiments and preparation of future ones in which the two organizing laboratories (CPPM and IPHC) are strongly involved, and research mini-projects. This Summer School also aims at adding an education and training component to the successful collaborative research framework setup between China and France by the FCPPL International Associated Laboratory.

Link to the IPHC program

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CPPM, Marseille
163, avenue de Luminy, 13288, Marseille