The goal of this meeting is to :
- Call together all the countries/laboratories that share an interest in participating to the activities related to the DPC (DCC, DPC software, ),
- Explain the present strategy and how the participating countries could contribute both on the software and hardware level.
- Discuss the organization of the DPC through the various national contribution.
The idea is not to discuss science or data analysis but organization, technical approaches and software engineering as potential infrastructures, DPC software, continuous integration, virtual machines, clouds, pipelines, etc
The preliminary program is the following :
Thursday 20 April : 1pm to 6pm ; location: Amphi Turing, Batiment Sophie Germain
- LISA DPC Overview (ESA's call / CNES phase 0 outputs)
- proto-DPC status and short term perspectives
Friday 21 April: 9am to 1pm ; location : Salle des thèses, Halle aux farines, hall F
- Partner's interest and expertise, i.e. a representative of each country will present the potential contribution
- DPC Management
- Schedule and actions
Based on the responses to the survey, we deduced the following potential contributors:
- France: APC, CNES, Artemis, CEA, LAM, LPC Caen
- Germany: AEI-Hannover, AEI-Golm
- Belgium: Univ Leuven
- Italy: Univ. Milano B. and Trento
- Nederlands: Radboud Univ.
- Portugal: CENTRA IST
- Spain: ICE - Sweden: Lund Univ.
- Switzerland: ETH and ISDC
- UK: Univ. Birmingham and Edimburg
The group representing each country will have to choose the person that will present the contribution to data processing. If you have any questions, please contact us at and .