The workshop "Partons and Nuclei" aims at exploring the physics continuum from proton to nucleus with a focus on three topics :
# Hadronic collisions initial conditions (from pp to AA)
- Color glass condensate and saturation
- Multiple correlations within partons and within nucleons
- Factorisation in AA
# Event generators
- pp and AA
- ep and eA
# Partonic structure of nucleus
- Nucleus DVCS
- Nuclear PDF's and their uncertainties
This workshop is supported by the two working group of the GDR QCD : "Simple and multiple interactions within partons in nucleus" and "Saturation and collectivity in nucleons and nucleus" and follows the previous workshop "Meeting de lancement GDR QCD - interactions simples et multiples entre partons dans les nucléons":
Ample time is devoted to discussion among participants.
Registration is free of charge, lunches and coffee breaks are supported by the GDR QCD.
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