Réunions au CC

Research data infrastructure of Chinese Academy of Sciences: practices and challenges

par Dr Jianhui LI (CNIC, CAS)





The explosion of digital technologies in the last two decades has dramatically increased the power and efficiency by which data is acquired, stored, analysed and instantaneously transmitted. The data now available to science offer profound opportunities for new understanding of complex systems on all scales, from the molecular to the cosmic, and all in areas of human concern, from local health systems to global sustainability. An open, shared and evolving data infrastructure is the bedrock for science discovery, especially in this big data era.

Thirty years ago, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) started to support research data collecting and curation, twenty years ago, CAS pushed research data open and sharing, 10 years ago, CAS initiated data intensive science applications. And we continually designed and developed research data infrastructure to support these activities, from data grid to data cloud, and now to big data.

On this presentation, I will recall our practices and experiences on research data infrastructure, and introduce the status, including the architecture, key components, tool kits and services. And I will share our lessons from these activities, and some challenges faced now. Finally I will talk about our idea and viewpoint on big data system for science, that is current progress of “Scientific Big Data Life-cycle Management System” project, one of the National Key Research and Development Program of China.

About the speaker

Dr. Jianhui LI is the director of big data department of Computer Network information Center(CNIC, Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS). He is also the Executive Committee Member of the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA), the executive deputy editor of "China Scientific Data" . Dr. LI was born in 1973, and obtained his Ph.D. degree from Institute of Computing Technology of CAS in 2007. He has lead to design and develop data infrastructure of CAS for more than 10 years, and constructed the Data Cloud of CAS.  And he mainly engaged in the research of open data and data sharing, multi-source heterogeneous data fusion, big data processing and analysis. He is now leading one big project of  National Key Research and Development Program of China –“ Scientific Big Data Life-cycle Management System”, that will develop a big data system for science discovery. Dr. LI published more than 80 papers and applied for 10 patents and 5 national standard. 

