Daan Noordermeer
(Institut de Biologie Integrative de la Cellule)
Mammalian genes can be mono-allelicly expressed depending on their parental origin, a process called imprinting. Though only a relatively small number of genes are imprinted, this mechanism is of great importance for correct embryonic development.
Imprinting is governed by allele-specific DNA methylation at defined Imprinting Control Regions (ICRs), which often influences the binding of...
Nicolas Destainville
(Univ. Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier)
Normally separated by a distance on the order of 10 nm, the two opposite double-strands of a DNA plectoneme must be brought closer if a protein implicated in genetic regulation is to be bound simultaneously to both strands. We propose an analytic calculation of the energetic barrier, of elastic nature, required to bring closer two loci situated on the two double-strands. We also examine how...
Jean-Charles WALTER
(Université de Montpellier)
Efficient bacterial chromosome segregation typically requires the coordinated action of a three-component, ATP-fueled machinery called the partition complex. We present a phenomenological model accounting for the dynamic activity of this system. The model is obtained by coupling simple linear reaction-diffusion equations with a *proteophoresis*, or ``volumetric'' chemophoresis, force field...