Alberto Ramos
24/04/2017 14:00
Standard Model
We review the ALPHA collaboration strategy for obtaining the QCD
coupling at the electroweak scale via Lattice QCD simulations. In the
three-flavor effective theory we compute non-perturbatively the
running of the strong coupling from hadronic scales to the electroweak
scale. The result for the Lambda parameter in the three-flavor
effective theory is used to obtain an accurate value of...
Kohtaroh Miura
(CPT, Aix-Marseille Universite)
24/04/2017 14:45
Standard Model
We present the latest lattice QCD results for
the leading-order contributions of the hadron vacuum polarization (LO-HVP)
to the muon’s anomalous magnetic moment. Calculations are carried out
with the u, d, s and c quarks at the physical quark masses
in volumes of linear extent larger than 6 fm,
and at six values of the lattice spacing,
allowing for a fully controlled continuum...
Laurent Lellouch
(CPT Marseille)
24/04/2017 15:15
Standard Model
We calculate the matrix elements for the quark content of the nucleon relevant for the direct detection of dark matter.
Nodoka Yamanaka
(IPN Orsay, Paris-Sud U., CNRS-IN2P3)
24/04/2017 16:15
Standard Model
The nuclear electric dipole moment (EDM) is a very sensitive probe of CP violation beyond the standard model.
The EDM of light nuclei can be evaluated in few-body calculations assuming the one-meson exchange model for the P, CP-odd nuclear force.
In this talk, we present our recent results on the calculation of the EDM of several light nuclei and the mechanism of the enhancement of CP...
Gabriel Sophys
24/04/2017 16:45
Standard Model
The parton model, proposed by Richard Feynman in 1969, can describe the structure
of hadrons (like as protons and neutrons) and model hadrons at high energy. We use
the parton model in the Standard Model (SM) to explain hadrons by the way of Quantum
Chromodynamics . Hadrons are described as bound states of partons (quarks and
gluons). We cannot observe directly partons because they are...
Cyrille Marquet
(CPHT - Ecole Polytechnique)
24/04/2017 17:15
Standard Model
I present a recent calculation of the transverse-momentum dependence of gluon distributions, in the small-x limit. This is done by solving the so-called JIMWLK non-linear QCD evolution equation, a functional RG equation that resums the leading logarithms in 1/x.