27th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements (ICNTRM 2017)


The first conference, named “Colloqium on Corpuscular Photography” was held in Strasbourg (France) in 1957. The name was changed to “International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids” in 1976 at Munich (Germany) in 1976 until the last one in Kobe (Japan) in 2014. In 2017, for  its 60th anniversary, the Conference comes back to its birthplace, organised jointly by the International Nuclear Track Society and the Hubert Curien Pluridisciplinary Institute (IPHC), mixed research unit of  CNRS-IN2P3 and the University of Strasbourg.

     The International Nuclear Track Society was created to gather the research community working in this field and has been able to sustain this Conference for 60 years. The Conference was at the origin of the creation of the famous journal Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements which later became Radiation Measurements. Many significant scientific achievements have been made by this community since the very first observation of damage trails created by 235U fission fragments in mica in 1959. Originally centered on nuclear tracks induced by ions and neutron in solids applied to nuclearphysics, astrophysics, radiation measurements and so on, the Conference has always evolved in response to new fields of applications such as fission track dating in the early years, to life and material sciences now.

     During the 26th conference in Kobe, the International Nuclear Track Society (INTS) decided to rename the Conference to International Conference on Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements (ICNTRM). The conference now not only addresses ions and neutrons but also of all types of ionising radiation detection in condensed phases and associated applications. This conference gathers every three years, 150 to 200 researchers from all the continents.

The 27th ICNTRM will take place in Strasbourg:

From August 28th to September 1st, 2017.

    • Registration Hall ((Hall Institut Le Bel, 4 rue Blaise Pascal Strasbourg))


      (Hall Institut Le Bel, 4 rue Blaise Pascal Strasbourg)

    • Welcome Reception Hall


    • Registration 2 Hall


    • Opening Session Amphi 3

      Amphi 3

      • 1
        Opening Session Amphi 3

        Amphi 3

        Orateurs: Abdel-Mjid NOURREDDINE (President INTS), Catherine FLORENTZ (Vice President, Strasbourg University), Christelle ROY (Director IPHC, Strasbourg), Rémi BARILLON (Chair of organizing committee)
    • Session 1: Dosimetry and Life Sciences Amphi 3

      Amphi 3

      • 2
        Plenary Conference 1: Track Structure Models in Cancer and Central Nervous System Risks from Heavy Ions
        Orateur: Prof. Francis CUCINOTTA (University of Nevada)
    • Coffee Break and Poster session Hall


    • Session 2: Environment and detectors Amphi 3

      Amphi 3

      • 3
        Invited talk 1: New regulations on protection from radon exposure and related needs about radon concentration measurements
        Orateur: F. BOCHICCHIO
      • 4
        No-destructive analysis of "hot" particles
        Orateur: I. VLASOVA
      • 5
        Type testing of LiF:Mg,Cu,P personal dosimeters for the assessment of Hp(10) and Hp(0.07)
        Orateur: J. PEREIRA
      • 6
        Latest advances in fluorescent nuclear track detector technology and instrumentation
        Orateur: M. AKSELROD (USA)
    • 12:30
    • Session 3: Nanotechnologies and material modification Amphi 3

      Amphi 3

      • 7
        Invited talk 2: Materials modification and nanostructures produced with GeV heavy ions
        Orateur: C. TRAUTMAN (Germany)
      • 8
        Lithium Negative Ion Implantation of CdSe Nanowires: Structural, Optical and Electrical properties
        Orateur: R.P. CHAUHAN (India)
      • 9
        Two-component Nanowires: fabrication using etched-track-matrix deposition and investigation of magnetic properties
        Orateur: D. ZAGORSKIY (Russia)
      • 10
        UV C light radiation effect on nuclear tracks of different ions in polycarbonate
        Orateur: G. SAINT MARTIN (Argentine)
    • 15:40
      Coffee Break and Poster Session Hall


    • Parallel Session 4.1: Detectors and Methods Amphi 3

      Amphi 3

      • 11
        Gamma ray effect for track counting of fluorescent nuclear track detectors
        Orateur: T. HASHIZUME ((Japan))
      • 12
        Dose estimation from exposure to radon, thoron and their progeny concentration in the dwellings of Riasi District of Jammu & Kashmir state, India
        Orateur: A. KUMAR ((India))
      • 13
        Development of a gaseous proton-recoil detector for neutron flux measurements between 0.1 and 2 MeV neutron energy
        Orateur: L. MATHIEU ((France))
    • Parallel Session 4.2: Environment Amphi 2 (4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg)

      Amphi 2

      4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg

      • 14
        Estimation of dose due to exposure of petroleum industry workers to Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM)
        Orateur: N. AIT KACI (Algeria)
      • 15
        Yanshan period of tectonic-mineralizing ages from fission track dating in Hariza-Halongxiuma Cu-Mo ore district, Eastern Kunlun Mountains
        Orateur: W. YUAN (China)
      • 16
        Study of Radon dispersion in typical dwelling using CFD modeling and resulting radiation doses measured in the respiratory tract
        Orateur: R. RABI (Marocco)
    • Session 5: Dosimetry and life sciences
      • 17
        Plenary Conference 2: Nuclear track detection in radioecology: Investigation of hot particles in Chernobyl and Fukushima
        Orateur: C. WALTHER (Germany)
      • 18
        Radiation dosimetry of α-particle emission from 211At-labeled antibodies in single cells for cancer radioimmunotherapy using CR-39 plastic nuclear track detectors
        Orateur: S. KAIDORA (Japan)
      • 19
        Secondary charged fragments tracking for on-line beam range monitoring in Particle Therapy
        Orateur: G. TRAINI (ITALY)
      • 20
        Study of fluence and dose spatial distributions in phantoms with various shapes exposed to epithermal neutrons for NCT
        Orateur: G. GAMBARINI
    • 10:20
      Coffee Break and Poster Session
    • Session 6: Fundamental mechanisms and simulation
      • 21
        Invited talk 3: The Geant4-DNA library for numerical simulations in radiobiology
        Orateur: Z. FRANCIS (Lebanon)
      • 22
        Micro- and nanodosimetry of alpha-rays
        Orateur: G. BALDACCHINO (France)
      • 23
        A strategy for measuring ionization clusters produced by charged particles in nanometer track segments of DNA site
        Orateur: P. VENKATRAMAN (India)
      • 24
        Distinct step-like changes of G values for the losses of typical functional groups in poly(ethylene terephthalate) along B ion tracks around the detection threshold
        Orateur: T. YAMAUCHI (Japan)
    • 12:30
    • Session 7: Nanotechnologies and material modification
      • 25
        Invited talk 4: Nuclear Tracks in Futuristic Technologies: Some Innovative Novel Applications
        Orateur: S.K. CHAKARVARTI (India)
      • 26
        Invited talk 5: Asymmetric track etching : the long-overlooked role of osmotic flow
        Orateur: A. PAVEL (Russia)
      • 27
        A thorough examination of swift ion latent track formation and etching in PADC
        Orateur: M. FROMM (France)
    • 15:40
      Coffee Break and Poster Session
    • Parallel Session 8.1: Environment and detectors Hall 1, Institut Le Bel (4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg)

      Hall 1, Institut Le Bel

      4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg

      • 28
        Characterization of Rn exhalation in different Spanish soils Hall 1, Institut Le Bel

        Hall 1, Institut Le Bel

        4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg

        Orateur: V. MORENO BALTA (Spain)
      • 29
        Measurement of radon exhalation rate and natural radioactivity in the northern areas of Punjab, Pakistan Hall 1, Institut Le Bel

        Hall 1, Institut Le Bel

        4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg

        Orateur: S.A. MUJAHID (Pakistan)
      • 30
        Design of the stacked CR-39 energy spectrometer for laser-accelerated protons exceeding 100 MeV from micron-size hydrogen cluster targets Hall 1, Institut Le Bel

        Hall 1, Institut Le Bel

        4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg

        Orateur: M. KANSAKI (Japan)
      • 31
        Estimation of radon concentration in air, groundwater and from soil in the Tamanghasset district environment, Algeria Hall 1, Institut Le Bel

        Hall 1, Institut Le Bel

        4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg

        Orateur: M. AIT-ZIANE (Algeria)
      • 32
        Measurement of natural radionuclides and radon exhalation rate of soil samples and its possible correlation with indoor radon concentration in some places of Karbi Anglong district of Assam, India using Gamma ray spectroscopy and can technique method.
        Orateur: R. Kr. KAKATI (India)
      • 33
        Comparison of charge response of high threshold PET films of different brands used as high threshold Nuclear Track Detectors Hall 1, Institut Le Bel

        Hall 1, Institut Le Bel

        4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg

        Orateur: A. MAULIK (India)
    • Parallel Session 8.2: Dosimetry and Life Sciences Hall 2, Institut Le Bel (4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg)

      Hall 2, Institut Le Bel

      4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg

      • 34
        study of performances of the EPR dosimetry systems with alanine, glucose and table sugar for radiotherapy applications Hall 2, Institut Le Bel

        Hall 2, Institut Le Bel

        4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg

        Orateur: M. MIKOU (Marocco)
      • 35
        Neutron Dosimetry in High-Energy X-rays Radiotherapy Hall 2, Institut Le Bel

        Hall 2, Institut Le Bel

        4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg

        Orateur: H. ELAZHAR (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)
      • 36
        Characterization and qualification of CRNA eye lens dosimeter Hall 2, Institut Le Bel

        Hall 2, Institut Le Bel

        4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg

        Orateur: K. LARABI (Algeria)
      • 37
        Effects of Detector Size and Field Strength Uniformity on ECE Alpha Track Parameters in Mega-size Polycarbonate Image detection Systems Hall 2, Institut Le Bel

        Hall 2, Institut Le Bel

        4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg

        Orateur: Z. SOLTANI (Iran)
      • 38
        Design of the GAGG scintillator for High Active liquid waste Hall 2, Institut Le Bel

        Hall 2, Institut Le Bel

        4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg

        Orateur: M. SEKINE (Japan)
      • 39
        Study of the radiolysis of aromatic amino acid under ion irradiation Hall 2, Institut Le Bel

        Hall 2, Institut Le Bel

        4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg

        Orateur: N. LUDWIG (France)
    • International Nuclear Track Society Executive Committee meeting
    • Session 9: Detectors and Methods in life sciences and Physics
      • 40
        Plenary Conference 3: Advanced Silicon Detectors for Mini-and Microdosimetry in Contemporary Radiation Therapy
        Orateur: A. ROZENFELD (Australia)
      • 41
        Invited talk 6: Progress on silicon detectors from high-energy physics for small and large scale systems
        Orateur: Prof. Jerome Baudot (IPHC)
      • 42
        Measurement of the energy spectrum of electrons formed after the muonium decay in a nuclear photoemulsion
        Orateur: V. DITLOV (Russia)
      • 43
        Spatial distribution of natural uranium fission and activation of 238U in a subcritical nuclear assembly under 1 GeV deuteron irradiation
        Orateur: R. HASHEMI-NEZHAD (Australia)
    • 10:40
      Coffee Break and Poster Session
    • Parallel Session 10.1: Nanotechnologies and material modifications Hall 1, Institut Le Bel (4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg)

      Hall 1, Institut Le Bel

      4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg

      • 44
        Current-voltage characterization of gamma radiation induced graphene oxide
        Orateur: G. CHINNASAMY (India)
      • 45
        Silver ion irradiation effects on selenium nanowires
        Orateur: S. PANCHAL (India)
      • 46
        A new method for determination Solid State Nuclear Track by the change of the specific heat capacity
        Orateur: J. LU (China)
      • 47
        Characterization of new generation silicon detector: SIRIUS tunnel “Stripy-Pad” detector
        Orateur: P. BRIONNET (France)
    • Parallel Session 10.2: Detector and methods Hall 2, Institut Le Bel (4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg)

      Hall 2, Institut Le Bel

      4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg

      • 48
        GAMBE: thermal neutron detection system based on a sandwich configuration of silicon semiconductor detector coupled with neutron reactive material
        Orateur: A. AHMED (United Kingdom)
      • 49
        Using Phosphorus Pentoxyde for characterization of mixed neutron fields
        Orateur: A. BADREDDINE (Algeria)
      • 50
        Neutron Fields around an Intense Neutron Generator
        Orateur: R. MACHRAFI (Canada)
      • 51
        Experimental validation of a Monte Carlo framework for high energy X-rays activation studies
        Orateur: E. WILHELM (France)
    • 12:30
    • 14:00
    • Nanotechnology from fundamental to applications
      • 52
        Plenary Conference 4: The Alchemy of Vacuum - Hybridizing Light and Matter
        Orateur: T. EBBESEN (France)
      • 53
        Invited talk 7: Highly selective ionic transport through tuneable subnanometer pores based on nuclear tracks
        Orateur: F. LIU (China)
      • 54
        SIM Super-Resolution Microscopy for individual Alpha Particle Track Measurement using FNTD
        Orateur: J. KOUWENBERG (Netherlands)
      • 55
        Study of the radiation produced by therapeutic He, C and O ion beams impinging on a PMMA target for beam range monitoring purpose in Particle Therapy
        Orateur: S.M. VALLE (Italy)
    • 10:40
      Coffee Break
    • Parallel Session: Nanotechnologies and material modification Hall 1, Institut Le Bel (4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg)

      Hall 1, Institut Le Bel

      4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg

      • 56
        Modifications in properties of gamma irradiated low dimensional copper wires synthesized via ion track-etch membrane
        Orateur: R. GUPTA (India)
      • 57
        Ion implantation induced modifications in electrodeposited cadmium selenide thin films
        Orateur: R. CHAUDHARY (India)
      • 58
        Study of the variation in properties of gamma irradiated cadmium telluride nano thin films
        Orateur: S. GOYAL (India)
      • 59
        Radial electron fluence around ion tracks as a new physical parameter for the detection threshold of PADC using Geant4-DNA toolkit
        Orateur: T. KUSUMOTO (Japan)
    • Parallel Session: Nuclear Physics Hall 2, Institut Le Bel (4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg)

      Hall 2, Institut Le Bel

      4 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg

      • 60
        Production of Multi-MeV ions from thin foils irradiated by ultrashort laser pulses
        Orateur: H. VOSOUGHIAN (Iran)
      • 61
        Total Charge Changing Cross-section for 12C at the energy of 30 and 135 MeV/n
        Orateur: Q. RASHED NIZAM (Japan)
      • 62
        Exposures of newly reproduced nuclear track emulsion to slow ions
        Orateur: I. ZARUBINA (Russia)
      • 63
        Fragmentation of carbon on elemental targets at 400 A MeV
        Orateur: D.H. ZHANG (China)
    • 12:30
    • Session 13: Environment and detectors
      • 64
        Plenary conference 4: Thyroid equivalent doses for evacuees from Fukushima nuclear accident
        Orateur: S. TOKONAMI (Japan)
      • 65
        Portable, Low-cost Proportional Counters for Space, Atmospheric and Ground based Applications
        Orateur: E. BENTON (USA)
      • 66
        Passive radon monitors with part-time sensitivity to radon
        Orateur: D. PRESSYANOV (Bulgaria)
    • 15:30
      Coffee Break and Poster Session
    • Session 14: Detectors and methods
      • 67
        Invited talk 8: Breakthrough in 4π Panorama Ionology in Plasma Focus Devices for Mechanisms Understanding and Advanced Applications
        Orateur: M. SOHRABI (Iran)
      • 68
        Characterization of secondary neutrons for the MONDO experiment by means of FLUKA simulations
        Orateur: V. GIACOMETTI (Italy)
      • 69
        Development of Thermal Neutron Detector based on Europium Oxide (EO) Phosphor
        Orateur: M.S. BHADANE (India)
      • 70
        Orateur: M. BALCAZAR (Mexico)
    • INTS General Assembly
    • 20:30
    • Session 15: Astro and nuclear physics
      • 71
        Plenary conference 5: Resolved and open questions in heavy ion physics at LHC : the ALICE perspective
        Orateur: Y. SCHUTZ (France)
      • 72
        Invited talk 9: Very High Energy Gamma-ray astronomy with Cherenkov Telescopes
        Orateur: L. FONT (Spain)
      • 73
        Determination of number and diameter of superheated droplets in bubble detectors (BD) of type T-12 by irradiation with high-energy heavy ions 56Fe, 84Kr and 132Xe at accelerator
        Orateur: S.L. GUO (China)
      • 74
        Dissociation of light relativistic nuclei in nuclear track emulsion (some highlights and prospects)
        Orateur: P. ZARUBIN (Russia)
    • 10:40
      Coffee Break and Poster Session
    • Session 16: Environment and detectors
      • 75
        Invited talk 10: Some aspects on radioecology after TEPCO-Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident in 2011
        Orateur: N. YASUDA (Japan)
      • 76
        Fast diamond detectors for beam tagging applications in hadrontherapy
        Orateur: S. MARCATILI (France)
      • 77
        Permeation and faults location in geothermal studies through radon distribution
        Orateur: M. BALCAZAR (Mexico)
      • 78
        Passive etched track detectors application in outdoor radon monitoring in the UK
        Orateur: J. WASIKIEWICZ (United Kingdom)
    • Closing Session
    • 13:00