Jason Hirtz
(DRF/Irfu/SPhN, CEA-Saclay)
INCL (the Intra-Nuclear Cascade model of Liège) is a code of nuclear reaction between a “light” projectile and a nucleus for energies from few hundreds MeV to few GeV. The code is associated with a de-excitation code used at the end of the cascade. The future version of INCL is an extension and an improvement at high energy (2 to 15 GeV) of a previous version by the implementation of new channels (new particles). The topic of this thesis is strangeness production implementing with the new physics associated. The presentation will discuss the diculties met introducing this new physics and the ways to solve them.
Auteur principal
Jason Hirtz
(DRF/Irfu/SPhN, CEA-Saclay)