9–11 mai 2016
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris



Registration opening day:   2nd May 2016
Registration deadline:        27th May 2016


The registration fee is 130 € , including the coffee-breaks, the lunches and the social dinner.
The social dinner will take place at the “La Coupole” restaurant, the evening of June 9th.  There is a possibility for those not willing to attend the dinner to get the reduction of the fee correspondingly when doing the registration procedure.
You can pay by credit card or bank transfer. No cash payment is possible.
Participants are requested to register and pay in advance.
To facilitate the organization of the meal, we would appreciate you register before May 27.


The registration procedure to the meeting has to follow TWO STEPS :

First step : use this pre-registration link where you enter your information.

       -> For the tarification field, please choose either "Meeting participant" , if you are not from LAPP or an accompanying person.
           Please do not leave "-----------" in this field!
       -> When you press next after filling the form, your pre-registration is sent to the organizers.
       -> Now, please wait for the validation email (see below).

Second step : The organizers will validate your registration (within one business day), and you will receive an email with the link to finalize your registration and payment. If you do not receive an email after a couple of days, please check your spam folder or contact us by email.
    -> Choose " Confirm a pre-registration" for the conference

    -> If you do not eat meat (or fish) , please indicate it in the field "Dietary requirements" tab. 
    -> At this stage, you have to make your choice about the social dinner
    -> Select "You are paying the invoice" if you pay yourself, or "Someone else or a company pays" if an institute pays for you (eg CNRS employee - see below - or CERN, etc.).
     -> You can choose the payment method at this stage: credit card or bank transfer.

If you lost the registration mail welcome You can access your information by choosing the meeting from the following link registration link


Accompanying person:
You have the possibility to register as an accompanying person. In that case, only the social dinner on Thursday June 9th is to be paid (45€). To register for dinner, an accompanying person has to follow the same steps as described above (registration and payment). Please send us an email with the name of the accompanying person to help us to organize the meeting.
Warning: at the registration step of the accompanying person, please use another email address than the one you used for yourself, otherwise the system will reject the registration!


CNRS employee:
If you wish the fee directly paid by the CNRS, please select "Someone else or a company pays" at the payment stage.

In this case, enter the name of your institute or laboratory which will pay in the "last name" field and give the name of your accounting manager in the "contact" field.


LAPP employee:
For efficient organization of meals and coffee breaks, each employee LAPP must register at the meeting and social dinner.
Please select "LAPP participant" and "Social Dinner."