3–8 juil. 2016
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Liste des Contributions

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Mme Catherine Florentz (UNISTRA)
04/07/2016 08:30
Dr Daniel Riveline
04/07/2016 08:40
Prof. Karsten Kruse (Theoretische Biologische Physik, Universität des Saarlandes)
04/07/2016 09:00
Dr Jacques PROST (Institut Curie)
04/07/2016 09:50
Prof. Claudia Veigel (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
04/07/2016 11:00
Prof. Julia YEOMANS (Department of Physics, Oxford)
04/07/2016 11:45
Dr Gilles Charvin (IGBMC, Strasbourg)
04/07/2016 14:15
Prof. Attila Becskei (Biozentrum University of Basel)
04/07/2016 15:05
Dr Pascal Didier (Laboratoire de Biophotonique et Pharmacologie, Strasbourg)
05/07/2016 08:30
Prof. Michel Orrit (Leiden Institute of Physics)
05/07/2016 09:20
Dr Albert Johner (ICS, Strasbourg)
05/07/2016 11:00
Dr Guy Theraulaz (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)
05/07/2016 11:50
05/07/2016 14:00
Dr André Schroder (ICS), Dr Sebastien Harlepp, Prof. Thierry Charitat (ICS, Strasbourg)
05/07/2016 14:00
two workshops have been merged
Dr Pascal Hebraud (IPCMS, Strasbourg), Dr Wilfried Grange (IPCMS)
05/07/2016 14:00
Dr Michael Ryckelynck (IBMC, Strasbourg)
05/07/2016 14:00
Dr Morgan Madec (Laboratory of engineering sciences, computer sciences and imaging)
05/07/2016 14:00
Dr Elvire Guiot (IGBMC), Dr Julien Vermot (IGBMC, Strasbourg)
05/07/2016 14:00
Dr Yves Mely (Laboratoire de Biophotonique et Pharmacologie, Strasbourg)
05/07/2016 14:00
Dr Jérémie Léonard (IPCMS, Strasbourg)
05/07/2016 19:30
Prof. Spiros Skourtis (University of Cyprus, Senior Fellow U. Freiburg)
05/07/2016 20:15
Prof. Albrecht Ott (Biologische Experimentalphysik, U. Saarland)
06/07/2016 08:30
Dr Karim Benzerara (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris)
06/07/2016 09:25
Dr Elena Martinez (Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC))
06/07/2016 10:55
Dr Daniel Riveline (UNISTRA IGBMC)
06/07/2016 11:55
Dr Thomas Lecuit (IBDM, Marseille)
06/07/2016 14:20
Prof. Franziska LAUTENSCHLÄGER (Universität des Saarlandes)
07/07/2016 09:00
Prof. Heiko Rieger (Saarland University)
07/07/2016 10:30
Prof. Ludger Santen (University Saarbrücken)
07/07/2016 11:30
Prof. Jean-Louis Mandel (IGBMC - CNRS UMR 7104)
08/07/2016 15:10
Prof. Rodolfo Jalabert, Prof. Thierry Charitat
08/07/2016 16:30