EMILIE Workshop


The EMILIE Project (Enhanced Multi-Ionization of short-Lived Isotopes at EURISOL) is a project selected through a call for projects launched by the European network of funding agencies in Nuclear Physics (NuPNET).

This project has investigated two technologies of ion sources (ECRIS and EBIS) to optimize their performance for radioactive ion beam charge breeding at future Isotope Separation On Line (ISOL) facilities. This work should benefit to SPIRAL upgrade, SPIRAL 2, HIE-ISOLDE, SPES and EURISOL projects.

EMILIE is funded by four European funding agencies:



We are pleased to invite you to the next EMILIE workshop in 2016. The workshop will take place from March, Monday 21st (at 2:00 pm) to March, Wednesday 23rd (at 2:00 pm) at GANIL, Caen, France.

The deadline for abstracts is February  26th  2016.

 The deadline to register is March 17th  2016 (no fees).

