2–5 févr. 2009
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Using iRODS with the EnginFrame grid portal into the GRIDA3 project

2 févr. 2009, 11:30
Auditorium (CC-IN2P3)



12-14 Bd Niels Bohr 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex FRANCE


M. Francesco LocuntoM. Marco Piras


GRIDA 3 (Shared Resources Manager for Environmental Data Analysis and Applications) is an interdisciplinary project funded by the Italian Research Ministry. Primarily designed for providing a holistic description of environmental problems, the project will result in an advanced problem-solving tool for the integration, through a computing portal, of human know-how, simulation software, instrumentation and resources for data communication, storage, visualization and computation. A central part of the project is the creation of a Data Grid spanning multiple sites across federated domains, public and private: for the creation of this Data Grid we chose to use the iRODS technology. This talk will describe how we integrated iRODS with the EnginFrame Grid Portal, in order to provide applications with the ability to integrate iRODS easily and to expose to the users the access to the Data Grid resources in a intuitive and user-friendly way. In particular, we will demonstrate one of the GRIDA3 applications, showing how it can seamlessly use resources from the iRDOS data grid both as input and output, and how the user can access these resources from his web browser, upload new resources and so on.

Documents de présentation