2–5 févr. 2009
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Collaborative data life-cycle management for petascale astronomy projects

2 févr. 2009, 16:30
Auditorium (CC-IN2P3)



12-14 Bd Niels Bohr 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex FRANCE


M. Arun Jagatheesan


In this brief talk, we look at the needs for Collaborative Data Life-cycle Management (CDLM), the advantages of CDLM and the concepts in iRODS that enable a large-scale CDLM infrastructure. We will highlight two astronomy projects as our usecase, namely LSST and ALMA. Both of these projects will have to manage several petabytes of data for several years from multiple independent agencies (or countries). iRODS was used by LSST in the Supercomputing 2008 HPC Storage Challenge. The objective of this talk is to introduce this problem and form a community of users who want to engineer solutions for similar large-scale data management problems.

Documents de présentation