Bertram Blank
(CEN Bordeaux-Gradignan)
09/02/2016 09:00
Oral contribution
Heavy ion beams from CSS1 allow to produce proton-rich ions via fusion-evaporation reactions. Different heat resistant targets would be bombarded with beams of about 6 MeV/A. This would allow to send these proton-rich nuclei to DESIR and to CIME for acceleration. In the talk, calculated production rate will be presented.
Etienne Liénard
(LPC Caen)
09/02/2016 09:30
Oral contribution
In this contribution, we propose to measure the beta-neutrino angular correlation parameters in mirror beta decays using an upgraded LPCTrap setup at LIRAT. The main interest lies in the determination of Vud which can be deduced from this set of transitions if the GT/F mixing ratios are precisely known. This is precisely the purpose of the proposed measurements. The setup also provides the...
Alex Laffoley
09/02/2016 10:00
Oral contribution
The study of superallowed Fermi β transitions between nuclear isobaric analog states of spin Jπ = 0+ provides demanding, and fundamental, tests of the properties of the electroweak interaction. In particular, high-precision measurements of the β-decay ft values for superallowed Fermi β emitters with isospin T = 1 have been used to validate the conserved vector current (CVC) hypothesis to...
Pauline Ascher
09/02/2016 11:00
Oral contribution
Mass spectrometry of short-lived neutron-rich nuclei give access to observables like 2n separation energies, which are sensitive to nuclear structure (shell effects, deformations, …) and therefore allows to probe the nuclear force far from stability. The SPIRAL1 upgrade offers the possibility to access masses of exotic nuclei which are currently either unknown or measured with large...
Bertram Blank
(CEN Bordeaux-Grradignan)
09/02/2016 11:25
Oral contribution
Beta-delayed 2p emission is an exotic decay mode close to the limits of stability.Like in other cases of 2p emission, the decay may go through intermediate levels, if energetically available, or be a direct 2p process by the simultaneous emission of two protons. In this last case, the two protons may reveal angular and energy correlations which could be compared to nuclear structure and...