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- Corina Andreoiu
Julien Angot
- Co-auteur de Performances of the SPIRAL1 charge breeder
- Pauline Ascher
- Alain Astier
- Ayse Atac-Nyberg
Olivier Bajeat
- Co-auteur de Performances of the SPIRAL1 charge breeder
- Gordon Ball
- Bertram Blank
Manuel Caamaño
- Auteur de Role of nuclear structure in fission around neutron-deficient Pt
- Co-auteur de Spectroscopy of light nuclei at the drip lines
- Co-auteur de Structure of proton-rich Tz=-5/2 nuclei
- Co-auteur de Study of 9He through isobaric analog states in 9Li
- Emmanuel Clement
- Gilles de FRANCE
- Auteur de Introduction
- Co-auteur de Performances of the SPIRAL1 charge breeder
- Co-auteur de Studies of Superallowed Fermi Beta Emitters Using the IBE Decay Station
- Nicolas de Séréville
Mickael Dubois
- Co-auteur de Performances of the SPIRAL1 charge breeder
- Beatriz Fernandez Dominguez
- Xavier Flechard
Romain Frigot
- Co-auteur de Performances of the SPIRAL1 charge breeder
- Jerome Giovinazzo
- Joanna Grinyer
- GF Grinyer
- Song Guo
- Ulrika Jacobsson
Pascal Jardin
- Co-auteur de Performances of the SPIRAL1 charge breeder
Anthony Jeanne
- Co-auteur de Performances of the SPIRAL1 charge breeder
Omar Kamalou
- Co-auteur de Performances of the SPIRAL1 charge breeder
- Theodoros Konstantinopoulos
- Teresa Kurtukian-Nieto
- Alex Laffoley
Thierry Lamy
- Co-auteur de Performances of the SPIRAL1 charge breeder
Patrice Lecomte
- Co-auteur de Performances of the SPIRAL1 charge breeder
- Etienne Liénard
- Joa Ljungvall
- Laurent Maunoury
- Caterina Michelagnoli
Benoit Osmond
- Co-auteur de Performances of the SPIRAL1 charge breeder
Guillaume Peschard
- Co-auteur de Performances of the SPIRAL1 charge breeder
- Costel Petrache
- Jennifer Pore
- Damian Ralet
Alain Savalle
- Co-auteur de Performances of the SPIRAL1 charge breeder
Patrick Sole
- Co-auteur de Performances of the SPIRAL1 charge breeder
- Carl Svensson
- Jean-Charles Thomas