Geoffrey-Fathom Grinyer
09/02/2016 14:00
Oral contribution
The active target and time projection chamber (ACTAR TPC) is a novel high-luminosity gas-filled detection system that features a highly pixelated pad plane of more than 16K fully digitized electronic channels for studies of reactions and decays of nuclei furthest from stability. Design of the first (cubic) chamber is essentially complete and construction is ready to begin. Commissioning and...
Manuel Caamaño
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
09/02/2016 14:30
Oral contribution
The expected production of heavy ions after the Spiral1 upgrade opens a small window for the study of new fission modes recently found in 180Hg [PRL 105, 252502 (2010)]. These reveal a new role for structure effects, not observed in fission of actinides.
The competition between the Coulomb barrier and the foreseen energies of the new beams would allow the study of fusion-fission around...
Abdou Chbihi
09/02/2016 14:50
Manuel Caamaño
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
09/02/2016 15:10
Oral contribution