Geoffrey-Fathom Grinyer
The active target and time projection chamber (ACTAR TPC) is a novel high-luminosity gas-filled detection system that features a highly pixelated pad plane of more than 16K fully digitized electronic channels for studies of reactions and decays of nuclei furthest from stability. Design of the first (cubic) chamber is essentially complete and construction is ready to begin. Commissioning and the first experimental campaign with ACTAR TPC and SPIRAL1 beams are foreseen in 2017 in the G3 experimental hall. These experiments represent the first scientific deliverables of the ERC project.
In this presentation, the timeline of the project and experiments being considered for the first ACTAR TPC campaign with SPIRAL1 beams will be discussed along with our requirements in terms of beam intensity, energy, and purity.
Auteur principal
Geoffrey-Fathom Grinyer