Joseph Scott Berg
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
14/04/2007 09:00
Muon and e-model for EMMA
Oral presentation
I begin by describing the purpose and goals for the EMMA lattice. I then describe
the lattice parameters for the machine and how they are related to the machine goals.
laurent Nadolski
(Synchrotron Soleil)
14/04/2007 09:30
Muon and e-model for EMMA
Oral presentation
14/04/2007 10:00
Muon and e-model for EMMA
Oral presentation
Shinji Machida
(CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
14/04/2007 11:00
Muon and e-model for EMMA
Oral presentation
Non-scaling FFAG has to cross many low order resonances
during acceleration. Taking
EMMA and Muon acceleration rings as a model, we study the
effect of the resonance
crossing by tracking. In particular,
orbit distortion due to integer resonances and beam size
growth (not emittance
growth) due to half-integer resonances are investigated. We
also discuss a practical
way to study the...
Sato Akira
(Osaka University)
14/04/2007 11:30
Muon and e-model for EMMA
Oral presentation
Yoshiharu Mori
(Kyoto Univwrsity, Research Reactor Institute)
14/04/2007 12:00
Muon and e-model for EMMA
Oral presentation