Ben Shepherd
(CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory)
13/04/2007 09:00
Technology for FFAG accelerators
Oral presentation
Carl Beard
(ASTeC, Daresbury Laboratory)
13/04/2007 09:30
Technology for FFAG accelerators
Oral presentation
Yasushi Arimoto
(Osaka U.)
13/04/2007 10:00
Muon and e-model for EMMA
Oral presentation
Scaling FFAG magnets for PRISM-FFAG ring have been designed and constructed. The magnets have a large
aperture of 1000 mm in horizontal and 300 mm in vertical. Measurement of magnetic field has been done for the
three magnets. Here, the measurement results will be presented.
Thomas Planche
13/04/2007 11:00
Technology for FFAG accelerators
Oral presentation
Emmanuel Froidefond
13/04/2007 11:30
Technology for FFAG accelerators
Oral presentation
In the frame of the RACCAM project, the coil shaping magnet
design is studied. The
main advantages of that method are to allow to keep
horizontal tune constant and make
possible the variation of k.
A first simple model of conductors of infinite length and no
iron yoke gives a first
set of current intensities using Biot and Savart law. The
problem is then to solve
the linear system...
Chihiro Ohmori
13/04/2007 12:00
Technology for FFAG accelerators
Oral presentation