Neil Bliss
12/04/2007 09:00
FFAG projects status and review
Oral presentation
Exhaustive description of the EMMA project.
Yasushi Arimoto
(Osaka U.)
12/04/2007 09:30
FFAG projects status and review
Oral presentation
A PRISM-FFAG ring is one of the key component in PRISM (Phase Rotated Intense Slow Muon) project which aims at
searching for a charged-lepton-flavor-violation process beyond the Standard Model. At the FFAG ring, energy-spread
of muon beam is made narrower by a phase-rotation technique with RF field. A lattice design, a construction of
large-aperture magnets and a development of a...
Yoshiharu MORI
(Kyoto University, Research Reactor Institute)
12/04/2007 10:30
FFAG projects status and review
Oral presentation
François Méot
12/04/2007 11:30
FFAG projects status and review
Oral presentation