- Hamiltonian Description of Dynamics of Particles in NS
FFAG, S. Tzenov / 2. Discussion and presentations on
operation with HNJ, all / 3. Discussion of outstanding
issues for NS Lattice FFAG, all / 4. Other topics... , all
Ugo Amaldi
(University of Milano Bicocca and TERA Foundation)
16/04/2007 14:00
Afternoon working group session - 4th day
Oral presentation
Since many years the TERA Foundation is working on
"cyclinacs", novel accelerators
which produces a beam particularly suited for the many
paintings spot-scanning
technique of moving tumour targets. Indeed the beam from a
cyclinac has repetition
rates in the range 200-400 Hz, as necessary for painting
many times the target, while
the energy and the charge delivered to the next voxel can...
Tomonori Uesugi
(Kyoto Univ. Research Reactor Institute), Prof.
Yoshiharu MORI
(Kyoto University, Research Reactor Institute)
16/04/2007 14:30
Afternoon working group session - 4th day
Oral presentation
Ajit Kurup
(Imperial College)
16/04/2007 15:00
Afternoon working group session - 4th day
Oral presentation
François Meot
16/04/2007 16:00
Afternoon working group session - 4th day
Oral presentation
(Ion Beam Applications s.a. (IBA))
16/04/2007 16:30
Afternoon working group session - 4th day
Oral presentation