6–7 oct. 2014
Bat. 100
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Programme Scientifique

The annual meeting of the groupe II of GDR PH-QCD: Scattering and annihilation reactions, is oriented towards the recent/new results obtained at BES, concerning the resonances X,Y,Z and form factors, to update the stautus and the evolution of the programme at GSI/FAIR. Time is reserved for other experiments in preparation as well as new theoretical results : g-2, pion form factor... The meeting will start on monday, October 6, at 9.30 and end on tuesday, October 7, 5 pm. The (preliminary) program is composed by 4 sessions. It is planned as follows (besides General Introduction and Summary/Conclusion): A) Two 40 m general talks, on the experimental and the theoretical status of X,Y,Z resonances and their interpretation B) C) D)