25–26 juin 2014
Auditorium Irène Joliot-Curie, IPNO, Orsay
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
Le thême 'indico-weeks-view' n'existe pas.


"R & D instrumentation" Network dedicated to gaseous detectors (IN2P3-IRFU) established in 2012 to promote exchanges between different laboratories active in the field, organizes on June 25th-26th 2014 a workshop on "gas in gaseous detectors". This workshop covers gas mixture, gas circulation and gas purification, aging and electrical discharges in gases and also the use of detectors to high and low pressure. After a general presentation on gases, speakers will present their activities around this theme. The format of this workshop and place (Orsay campus) were selected to allow a maximum of interested persons to participate. There will also be asked speakers to tailor the level of presentation to a wider audience than specialists in the field. Presentations will be in English.

Venue : IPNO, Auditorium Irène Joliot-Curie, bâtiment 100M, 15 rue Georges Clémenceau, 91406 Orsay

Organizing Committee :

D. Bernard LLR
      A. Delbart
Irfu/Cea Saclay    
P. Dupieux LPC Clermont
      J. Giovinazzo
O. Guillaudin LPSC
      I. Laktineh
G. Lehaut LPC Caen
      J. Pancin
J.-L. Pedroza CENBG
      J. Peyré
D. Thers Subatech
      Th. Zerguerras
P. Guarnaccia IPNO               M. Chefdeville LAPP    
S. Barsuk LAL