Séminaire AstroParticules

Recent Results from searches for astrophysical neutrinos with the IceCube neutrino telescope
par Alexander KAPPES (DESY)

The seminar will be held in Paris (APC) but will be broadcast in the Amphitheatre Grünewald.

The main mission of neutrino telescopes is the discovery of high-energy neutrinos from astrophysical sources such as supernova remnants, active galactic nuclei or gamma-ray bursts. Due to the low fluxes and limited size of previous detectors, this search has been unsuccessful up to now. With  IceCube completed since December 2010, the first km3-class detector is now in operation in its full configuration since about two years. Last year, a search for high-energy events in two years of  IceCube data revealed two cascade-like events with deposited energies of about 1 PeV, just above  the threshold of the analysis.
A follow-up search, designed to increase the sensitivity to this type of events and to significantly extend the reach to lower energies, found 26 more events in the same data with deposited energies above 30 TeV. After an introduction into the IceCube detector, I will present the two analyses and the features of the events found. Afterwards, I will discuss possible atmospherical and astrophysical interpretations.


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Amphi. Grünewald (building 25)