Physique Théorique

Topological Dirac matter and Majorana fermions in condensed matter physics

par Pascal Simon (LPMMC Orsay)



Seminaire du Consortium de Physique Theorique de Strasbourg (CPTS)

In the past years, condensed matter physics has experienced a tremendous activity in the field of Dirac matter with the discovery of graphene and new topological insulators. These insulators contrary to standard insulators have a band gap but edge states which are topologically protected and described by the massless Dirac equation. Similar concepts occur for topological superconductors: there are characterized by a superconducting gap and topologically protected mid-gap edge states. These edge states are fermionic excitations which are exact superpositions of particles and holes: they are therefore Majorana quasi-particles.

Some preliminary experimental signatures of such exotic state of matter have been observed very recently. In this seminar I will try to review the recent advances in this rapidly growing field with a particular emphasis on experimental signatures of Majorana fermions.