Présidents de session
Wednesday morning 1
- George Vasileiadis (LUPM)
Aurelio Siro Tonachini
(Università degli Studi di Torino, ITALY)
12/06/2013 09:30
Aerosols and interdisciplinary studies
The elves are transient luminous events triggered by cloud-to-ground lightning return strokes. These events appear as rapidly expanding rings along the lower boundary of the ionosphere, on timescales of the order of 1 ms. The Fluorescence Detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory can provide 3D imaging of elves with an unprecedented resolution. A dedicated trigger has been designed based on 60...
12/06/2013 10:05
Aerosols and interdisciplinary studies
Mineral dust transported form desert areas is ubiquitous in tropical and sub-tropical regions where arid and semi-arid deserts constitute an important source for this natural aerosol. At southern mid- and high-latitudes, the concentrations of mineral dust are less important, but it plays an important role to provide trace metals for phytoplankton in the oceans. The austral region between 40...