Présidents de session
Tuesday morning 1
- Yves Gallant (LUPM, CNRS/IN2P3, U. Montpellier 2)
Sam Nolan
(Durham University)
11/06/2013 09:30
Simulations, modeling, and reconstruction
The current generation of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes are allowing the sky to be probed with greater sensitivity than ever before in the energy range below and around 100 GeV. To minimize the systematic errors on derived fluxes a full calibration of the atmospheric properties is important given the calorimetric nature of the technique. In this talk we will recount an approach used...
Cameron Rulten
(Observatoire de Paris)
11/06/2013 10:00
Simulations, modeling, and reconstruction
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will be the world's first observatory for detecting gamma-rays from astrophysical phenomena and is now in its prototyping phase with construction expected to begin in 2015/16. In this talk we will discuss the detailed simulation studies performed to assess the need for atmospheric monitoring and the methods by which correction for atmospheric variation may...