Présidents de session
Monday afternoon 1
- Mathieu de Naurois (LLR Ecole Polytechnique)
Dusan Mandat
(Institute of Physics of Academy of Science of The Czech Republic)
10/06/2013 13:45
Monitoring facilities in operation
The All Sky Camera (ASC) was developed as an universal device for a
monitoring of the night sky quality and night sky background
measurement. ACS system consists of an astronomical CCD camera, a fish
eye lens, a control computer and associated electronics.
The measurement is carried out during astronomical twilight. The
analysis results are the cloud fraction (the percentage of the...
George Vasileiadis
10/06/2013 14:15
Monitoring facilities in operation
We present an overview of a Elastic Lidar installed on the HESS site. Been in operation for the last 3 years, we will present the state of the analysis and correlation obtained in conjuction with the Hess central trigger data. Possible interpretaion and future plans will also be presented
Michael Daniel
(University of Liverpool)
10/06/2013 14:45
Monitoring facilities in operation
The attenuation of atmospheric Cherenkov photons is dominated by two processes: Rayleigh scattering from the molecular component and Mie scattering from the aerosol component. Aerosols are expected to contribute up to 30 Wm$^{-2}$ to the emission profile of the atmosphere, equivalent to a difference of ~20C to the clear sky brightness temperature under normal conditions. Here we investigate...
Markus Gaug
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
10/06/2013 15:15
Monitoring facilities in operation
The MAGIC telescopes are a system of two dishes operating stereoscopically for ground-based gamma-ray astronomy at the TeV since 2004. The energy and flux reconstruction in this kind of experiment, is substantially affected by the atmospheric conditions, specially by the presence of aerosols and clouds. For atmospheric monitoring, MAGIC hosts different subsystems: a single-channel...