Présidents de session
Monday morning
- Thierry Stolarczyk (CEA Irfu)
Laura Valore
(Universita' di Napoli Federico II)
10/06/2013 11:10
Monitoring facilities in operation
The Fluorescence Detector (FD) of the Pierre Auger Observatory provides a nearly calorimetric measurement of the primary particle energy, since the fluorescence light produced is proportional to the energy dissipated by an Extensive Air Shower (EAS) in the atmosphere.
The atmosphere is therefore assimilable to a giant calorimeter, whose properties need to be well known during data taking....
Takayuki Tomida
10/06/2013 11:40
Monitoring facilities in operation
Atmospheric monitoring is very important for the observation of air showers by the airfluorescence technique.
In the Telescope Array (TA) experiment, the LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) system and the CLF (Central Laser Facility) system are used for the measurement of atmospheric transparency. The LIDAR system is located southeast of TA site, and the CLF is located in the center of the...
Michael Connolly
(NUI Galway)
10/06/2013 12:10
Monitoring facilities in operation
The stereoscopic Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope array of VERITAS, situated at the F.L. Whipple Observatory administrative complex at the foot of the Santa Rita Mountains in southern Arizona, operates in the energy range between 100 GeV and 30 TeV.
The VERITAS collaboration engages in wide-ranging scientific and observational programs in the areas of galactic and extra-galactic...