10–12 juin 2013
CEA Saclay
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

FRAM - the optical telescope for atmospheric monitoring

11 juin 2013, 15:15
Galileo Room, Building 713C (CEA Saclay)

Galileo Room, Building 713C

CEA Saclay

Poster Poster contributions Poster session


Dr Dusan Mandat (Institute of Physics of Academy of Science of The Czech Republic)


FRAM (F/Photometric Robotic Atmospheric Monitor) is a small optical telescope located at the Pierre Auger Observatory equipped with two CCD cameras with Johnson-Bessel UBVRI filters. We will present its observation program - spanning from the measurements of wavelength dependence of extinction (Angstrom coefficient) using the Landolt fields of standard stars, through the rapid monitoring of trajectories of cosmic rays showers with anomalous longitudinal profiles, to observations of opportunity astronomical targets - optical transients of gamma ray bursts, variable stars, minor planets and comets.


Dr Michael Prouza (Institute of Physics - Prague)


Documents de présentation

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