This conference is a part of the series initiated in 1973 in Collège de France (Paris), as an International Colloquium on Photon-Photon Collisions at Electron-Positron Storage Rings, devoted to the hadronic interaction of photons. The latest Photon conferences took place in Spa(2011), Hamburg/DESY (2009), Paris (2007), Warsaw (2005) and in Frascati (2003). At the conference, recent progress in understanding photon-photon and photon-proton processes will be presented. In addition, recent results on astrophysics and other related topics will be discussed.
This year's conference will cover the following topics:
QCD and photons at high energy, jets, quarkonia and heavy flavours
Higgs and photons, electroweak interactions and physics beyond the standard model
Small x, diffraction, and total cross sections
Exclusive channels and resonances
Low-energy photon experiments, vacuum polarisation and light-by-light scattering
Photons in astroparticle physics
Photon collider prospects and new acceleration techniques and future accelerators
g-2 related topics