3–13 févr. 2013
ECT* Trento
Fuseau horaire Europe/Rome


Work on the synergies, future tasks, funding applications, future collaboration & network, creation of a study group...

12 févr. 2013, 10:00
ECT* Trento

ECT* Trento

Strade delle Tabarelle 286 I-38123 Trento Italy


  • Future funding: bilateral agreements, EU project (I4HP, COST, ERC, ...), national funding

  • Future meetings: INT-Seattle, Bad Honnef, Les Houches, SPA, CERN, ...

  • Future task: theory, simulation, beam extraction, experiment location

Documents de présentation

Aucun document.
Dr Jean-Philippe Lansberg (IPNO - Paris Sud 11)
12/02/2013 10:00
Ordre du jour en construction...